Sunday, February 21, 2016

Saving Roscommon is about more than just Economics.

Eugene Murphy Says Saving Roscommon is about more than just Economics.

Fianna Fail General Election Candidate for Roscommon Galway Councillor Eugene Murphy has said “I am passionate about keeping the County of Roscommon intact and fighting of the Westmeath Invasion of Monksland propagated by Labour Party Minister Alan Kelly” 
He went on to say “this proposed land grab from Roscommon if allowed to happen would have devastating economic effects on the rest of  County, “Rump Roscommon would have to endure hefty cut to services some of which are already threadbare from the last five years our Road maintenance budget our hedge cutting and Grave yard budgets would all come under pressure and the loss of commercial rates from the Monksland area would force up commercial rates on already hard pressed businesses across the county.”
However Eugene Murphy went on to say while these are highly important Economic reasons and in themselves should be enough to stop this craziness from the Minister there are more important reasons to stop this!
The main reason to stop this is for the people of Roscommon and persevering the identity and indeed the feeling (that proud Feeling) of being from Roscommon.
“I grew up knowing I was from Roscommon and that I had a bond with other Roscommon people regardless of political differences. I have been immensely proud to serve the people as an Elected ‘Roscommon’ County Councillor. All of us have grown up with our clubs, societies, local development committees Roscommon County teams in all sports, our cultural festivals to name but a few, all of which have been with infused with the spirit of being from Roscommon. We have a geographic Identity we are a county in Connaught not somewhere to be carved up and parcelled out to not just another county but also a different province.”
Minister Alan Kelly or ‘AK47’ as he likes to call himself (yes he has nicknamed himself after a gun that has killed so many people on this Island and around the world) recently said that “Power is the ultimate drug” well I have news for him it is time he came down from his ‘high’ or he will know real power! The power of the People of Roscommon.
“Roscommon Says No!”

Vote Murphy Number 1

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